Hope is a powerful thing...

With your help, the Making Hope Happen Foundation engages people, builds partnerships, provides leadership, and delivers resources where they are needed to achieve a thriving and innovative community in which every student is a life-long learner and can be successful in meeting their hopes and aspirations.

Give Hope Now!

With your help, the Foundation engages people, builds partnerships, provides leadership, and delivers resources

Hope From Alumni

Alumni from San Bernardino City Schools are making hope happen by organizing charitable class projects.

Hope For Schools

Kids today are growing up in a world full of exciting opportunities and entertaining distractions…

Thank You For Giving!

It is with a whole heart that the Making Hope Happen Foundation thanks you for your efforts!

Making Hope Happen Foundation

The Making Hope Happen Foundation is aiming to share opportunities, resources, and hope with the students of San Bernardino City. With the help of our community, educators, leaders, and you…we are making a difference. Watch to see how your hope making impacts their lives…

Thank you for Making Hope Happen

Give Hope

With your help, the Making Hope Happen Foundation engages people, builds partnerships, provides leadership, and delivers resources where they are needed to achieve a thriving and innovative community in which every student is a life-long learner and can be successful in meeting their hopes and aspirations.


Durham School Services

Liz Sanchez, Chief Operating Officer

“We greatly value what the Making Hope Happen Foundation does for the community in San Bernardino. In the words of Christine Gregoire, “Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” Without the assistance of great organizations such as the Making Hope Happen Foundation, it is challenging to dream and hope boldly. We align ourselves with their values and hope that we can help to nurture students into becoming life-long learners.”

Durham School Services

2019 Gala Sponsor

National Community Renaissance

Steve PonTell, President and CEO

“At National CORE, we strive to create communities that support educational attainment, economic mobility, and improved health. It is great to support organizations, such as Making Hope Happen, whose missions are in alignment with ours.”

National Community Renaissance

2019 Gala Sponsor

Watson & Associates

Jim & Judy Watson

A high quality, continuous education from infant to high school graduate (K-12) is critical for the success of the individual student, their families and our country. Education has always been the portal for the advancement of the student, family and our society.

Under the leadership of the San Bernardino City, County School Districts and California State University, the community is notably successful in view of significant obstacles of low income, crime, transient students and other issues which low-income areas encounter.

We are so pleased to be a part of the Making Hope Happen Foundation and their efforts in developing pathways for students to be successful at every age.

Watson & Associates
California State University, San Bernardino

Dr. Tomás D. Morales, President

With its focus on the youth of our community and an enduring commitment to prepare them for success, both in education and life, the Making Hope Happen Foundation is changing lives and ensuring a brighter future for the entire region. Cal State San Bernardino is proud to acknowledge and support such caring and visionary leadership that furthers the mission of the San Bernardino City Unified School District.

California State University, San Bernardino
San Bernardino City Unified School District

Ginger Ontiveros, Executive Director, Community Engagement

My involvement with the Making Hope Happen Foundation has allowed me to see firsthand the heart local philanthropists have for our kids.

San Bernardino City Unified School District
Durham School Services

Sam Eram, Regional Manager - Southern California

We are very excited to be part of this great cause. We value our partnership with the SBCUSD and we’re always looking forward to giving back to the community, which is one of Durham School Service’s core values.

Durham School Services

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2018 Making Hope Happen Gala

2018 Scholarship Recipient Awards

Making Hope Happen

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